Newsletter 27 November 2016

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Newsletter 27th Nov 2016

Newsletter-27-November-2016Today, the first Sunday of Advent marks the beginning of a period of preparation for the celebration of the birth of Christ, our Saviour, at Christmas. All the readings in the Mass advise us most urgently to make ourselves ready, to be on the alert, to turn aside from our sinful ways, and give more time to God in our lives.”Come, let us walk in the light of the Lord,” Isaiah says in the first reading. We must not live lives of darkness and of sin, St Paul admonishes his listeners; but let us put on the armour of God’s grace, and appear in the light, meaning that our consciences should have nothing to hide at any time, but rather be open to the promptings of the Holy Spirit directing them.”Be vigilant, stay awake,” the gospel warns, at any moment you may be called upon to make an eternal choice and that as unexpectedly as the people who were swallowed up by the Flood, in the time of Noah.