Newsletter 26 February 2017

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Newsletter 26th February 2017

Newsletter-26-February-2017Global Living Rosary – Dana comes to Tramore for Holy Hour

On Friday March 3rd, a team from both the US and Ireland will lead a Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration here in Holy Cross Church, Tramore at 7.30pm. Former Irish Eurovision winner and MEP Dana Rosemary Scallon is part of this team, along with Fr. Jim Kelleher, the ‘Rosary Priest’ from Corpus Christi, Texas. Dana will sing for us and Fr. Kelleher will deliver the homily. They will lead us in a holy hour of prayer and song on the night. All are welcome. Parents and grandparents are strongly encouraged to bring along their children and grandchildren to this event, as there will be an opportunity for children to participate in the prayers. It takes place on Friday night, March 3rd, at 7.30pm.