Newsletter 6 September 2020

What in this weeks newsletter?

  • Reflection for 23rd Sunday in Ordinary time.
  • Welcome to the children receiving the Sacraments
  • Our Lady’s birthday
  • Recent deaths and anniversaries in our parish
  • Parish Office open again
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Reflection for 23rd Sunday in Ordinary time

Each other’s keepers

In any group, small and big, things cause friction. Everyone thinks his or her way is right. We can fight over who is right. Some things are worth a fight, others not.
In the big questions of life, we need the advice, support and love of the other. Many people ask themselves, “Why I didn’t give an honest opinion about a decision like marriage or a job or a course of studies which seemed ill-advised to everyone?’ We all have good and not-so-good tendencies. We can only advise as best we can, sensitively and wisely, and hope we get a hearing.
We are afraid to hurt, to be rejected. Why do we let so many people drink themselves into trouble and never tell them? The terror of a neighborhood, no matter what age, needs to be confronted. The problem of drugs in a neighborhood is not confronted. Crime is not reported.
In small and big things we are each others’ keepers. Jesus is saying something like that today. Parents can find this difficult as they try to guide the family well and not lose them. We have social responsibility in the family and in the neighbourhood and even worldwide for the common good.
God wants the best for each of us. We can help each other to goodness, we can support each other, advise each other, pray for and with each other, and help each other on our way to God.
Recall an occasion when another gave good advice,
even when you may not have liked it at the beginning. Be grateful!
Give me wisdom, Lord, when others ask me for advice or an opinion.
Fr Donal Neary, S.J

Holy Cross Church Tramore.

Over the next three weekends the children from our local schools will be making their First Holy Communion & Confirmation.

Friday September 11th at 6pm we welcome the children from Gaelscoil Philib Barún, who are making their First Holy Communion.

Saturday September 12th at 10.00am we welcome the boys and girls from Gaelscoil Philib Barún, who are making their Confirmation

We also welcome their parents and families on this, their special day.
We wish them every blessing at this important time in their lives




 7.30am weekday Mass resumes at Holy Cross church, Tramore

The 7.30am Weekday Mass resumes from Monday 31st August
at Holy Cross Church, Tramore
Please note:Entry to the church will only be by the Summerhill door.Seating will be restricted to designated areas, around the Altar. This restriction is to facilitate the sanitizing of the church after mass.
Please ensure social distance, hand sanitizing and cough etiquette is observed.We thank you for your co-operation

Rosary in honour of our Lady’s Birthday

Rosary will be live streamed from St. Paul’s Church, Lisduggan Waterford on Tuesday 8th of September 6.30pm.
(Due to Covid-19. restrictions in place to 50 people in the Church allowed). People are asked to wear face masks and adhere to social distancing.


Prayer for school children

As you begin this new school year with its many restrictions and guidelines around safety, may you be blessed by the God of peace who never fails to support you on the path that you are called to walk. ‘Take Fresh Courage’.

Antoinette Dilworth rsj
Diocesan Advisor.


The Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary – 8 September

‘Let all creation sing and dance and unite to make worthy contribution to the celebration of this day. Let there be one common festival for saints in heaven and people on earth. Let everything, mundane things and those above, join in festive celebration. Today this created world is raised up to the dignity of a holy place for him who made all things. The creature is newly placed to be a divine dwelling space for the Creator.’
St Andrew of Crete (650-740). Office of Readings

The Holy Name of Mary, (Luke 6:43-49)

‘A church that is a mother goes along the path of tenderness. It knows the language of caresses and the gaze that knows compassion. Without this dimension it is solely a masculine church that sadly becomes a church of old bachelors, who live in isolation, incapable of love, incapable of fecundity. Without the woman, the church does not advance. This attitude of woman comes from Mary because Jesus willed it so.’
Pope Francis when he announced the new feast in 2018
of Mary, Mother of the Church


Recent Deaths

 Pat Dunphy, Sr Gwen Power

We pray for those whose anniversaries occur at this time:

Larry Dineen,Thomas & Kitty,Keogh,Frank Power,Gerard & Anne Stubbs ,Dan Morrissey. Paul Sweeney,Bridget, Daniel & Noel O’Reilly & the O’Sullivan Family,Billy Murphy,Brendan Ward


Recent Baptisms:

 Amie Grace Behan,Dawson Jamie Larkin O’Brien,Lydia Violet Breen,Kate Hackett Power

Congratulations to their parents and godparents