Newsletter 20 September 2020

What in this weeks newsletter?

  • Reflection for 26th Sunday or ordinary time.
  • Welcome to the children receiving the Sacraments
  • Prayer for Vocations
  • Recent deaths and anniversaries in our parish
  • Parish Pastoral worker required
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Reflection for 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time

Deserving our rights

We often say that people don’t deserve welfare or food if they don’t work. We can be stingy in judging what others deserve and need.
Jesus has a new way. We deserve our rights even when we do the least. The denarius was a day’s wage, enough to live on. There are certain rights we all have – to have food and a job are two of them. These people wanted to work. We are rewarded by God for who we are, not for what we do.
Jesus’ vision is that everyone deserves to earn enough to live on.
To believe in a God who is an unconditional Friend, is to have the most liberating experience that one could imagine. On the contrary, to live in the presence of an avenging and threatening God could change us into the most dangerous and self-destructive neurotics. We need to learn not to confuse God with our own narrow and stingy plans. We sometimes wish to distort God’s un-fathomable goodness. (Jos Anthony Pagola).
That’s the way the kingdom of God grows. It grows within us in thanks and sharing. That’s what we do at every Mass. Success for Jesus is not the amount we do, but that we do things with a full heart.
                                                                                                                               Fr Donal Neary, S.J


Church Full: I never thought I’d see the day when we would have to put up CHURCH FULL notice at the Church door. The attendance at the 10.30am Sunday Mass is forcing us to ‘close’ the doors. This can be avoided if some of the usual attendees at this mass could attend any of the other masses. There is plenty of room at the 7.30pm, the 8.30am, and 12 noon celebrations.
Give it a thought PLEASE.
Fr. O’Mahony

Holy Cross Church Tramore.

Next weekend the children from Holy Cross will be making their First Holy Communion & Confirmation.

Saturday September 26th at 10am, 12pm and 2pm we welcome the children from Holy Cross, who are making their Confirmation.

Sunday September 27th at 2pm & 4pm we welcome the boys and girls from Holy Cross, who are making their First Holy Communion.

We also welcome their parents and families on this, their special day.
We wish them every blessing at this important time in their lives

Prayers for Vocations

“The life and death of each of us has its influence on others; if we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord, so that alive or dead we belong to the Lord”. (Romans 14: 7)
If the Lord invites you to follow Him in humble obedience as a priest or in the consecrated life, how will you respond? If the Spirit is prompting you to know Christ as a priest, or in the consecrated life, speak to your local priest, or call your Diocesan Vocation’s Director, or email the National Vocations Office on



Recent Deaths

Please remember those who died recently,

Those whose Months mind Occurs:Ann Power née Butler

Those whose’ Anniversary Occurs:Paddy Spencer,Priska Young,David Molloy,Anne Pow,Agnes Kiely,Tony Shaw,Dympna Scott,Hannah Murray,Declan & Nicky Power(Patrick St)

Those who were baptised recently:Daniel Kian Hessler,William Butler,Patrick Anthony Reade,Millie Christine Cooley,Abbie Elizabeth Whelan

Congratulations to their parents and godparents.

Parish Pastoral Worker

The Parish of St. Joseph & St. Benildus & St. Marys, in the Diocese of Waterford and Lismore, is the largest in the Diocese with a Catholic population of approximately 13,750. It is situated in the south-east of Waterford City and stretches from St Joseph & St Benildus Church on Newtown Road to St Mary’s Church in Ballygunner. The Parish is a welcoming Christian community where people feel valued and have a sense of belonging.
The Parish is now inviting applications for the position of Parish Pastoral Worker.

Applicants must have a primary degree in theology/religious education, or equivalent, as well as relevant experience. The closing date for receipt of applications, including Curriculum Vitae, is Friday, 2nd October 2020 at 5:00 p.m. Please send to
Short-listing will take place immediately thereafter. Interviews are scheduled to take place in October 2020. Job Description is available from the Parish Office at