Newsletter 24th September 2023

What in this weeks newsletter?

  • Fr Tommy Cusack – Martyr – A Local Connection
  • Eucharistic Adoration Retreat
  • Church ground Parking
  • Recent deaths and anniversaries in our parish
  • Workshop on Liturgical music
Click Here to Download the Newsletter

Holy Cross Parish Mass Times

Holy Cross Tramore

Saturday 10am &
7.30pm (Vigil)
8.30am, 10.30am and
12 noon
Monday – Thursday 10.00am
Friday-7.30am & 10.00am

Saturday 10.30am & 7pm and upon Request

Mondays after 10am Mass

Tuesday after 10am Mass

Wednesday at 3pm.

Thursday after 10am Mass until 5pm
Church closes at 4pm Monday – Wednesday and Friday & 5pm Thursday

Our Lady’s Church Carbally
Sunday at 11.00am

Church of the Immaculate Conception Fenor
Saturday Vigil at 6pm
Tuesday & Wednesday at 9am

Sacred Heart Church Dunhill
Sunday at 9.30am
Thursday & Friday at 9am


Holy Cross Church-Live Streaming

Live Streaming facility is in operation, where you may join us for Tramore Parish Services online from Holy Cross Church.
Log in to the parish website Click on “Live Stream” on the homepage when the services are on.


Tramore Parish Radio

Services are broadcast from Holy Cross Church, Tramore at from Monday to Sat,7.30pm Sat evening, 8.30am, 10.30am & 12 noon on Sunday on your radio 105.4FM. (It may be tuned in only when service is on.


CCTV/Live Stream

Please be aware that for the protection and security of all, CCTV Cameras are in operation in Holy Cross Church. All Masses are live streamed and broadcast over the internet.


Parish Face book Page

We would like to welcome you to the our new Parish Facebook page-
Parish of Tramore & Carbally You may also access on parish
This will allow us to share Parish information, news, prayers and reflections with you all. Please LIKE and SHARE with your family and friends.


We strongly recommended, that parishioners continue to sanitize their hands upon entry and leaving the church.


Donate Facility

We have an online donate facility on our parish website:, where you can make your Sunday offering to the parish.
Please quote your envelope number, if applicable, when you make your donation. All contributions are gratefully received, and we thank you in advance for your generosity.





A second collection will be taken up at all Masses this weekend for the Waterford & Lismore Priest’s Retirement Fund.
We thank you for your continued support.


Eucharistic Adoration

In Holy Cross we have Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament after 10am Mass until 5pm. every Thursday.
We are looking for parishioners who can spare an hour a week to be present in the church during the Exposition.
Please contact the Parish office on 051-386477 if you are available and able to help. Thank you.


Rosary at the Grotto

The Rosary resumes for the month of October at the Marian Grotto, Marian Terrace from Sunday October 1st at 3pm. Please join us. All welcome


Church Ground Parking

If you are a holder of a parking permit to park on the church grounds while attending Mass, we kindly ask you to contact the Parish office to have your permit renewed if you wish to continue parking on the church grounds at Mass times from January 2024



Family Groups
Meeting Every Tuesday 6.45 – 7.45 at Tramore Community Care, Pond Road.


“Check it Out!”

“Check it Out!” events bulletin for the Diocese of Waterford & Lismore, containing a whole range of events you may be interested in over the coming days, weeks and months, including events for children, teens, young adults and families.


Introduction to Theology of the Body:

Discovering God’s Master Plan for your life

STUDY GROUP 2023. Mondays 7.30 – 9pm. October 2nd, 9, 23, 30 | November 6, 13, 27 | December 4.
Prayer, DVD, Discussion, Tea/Coffee.
Theology of the body provides a lens through which to view the whole mystery of human life. If you have a body this theology is for you! Venue: Foyer of Charity, Dunmore East, Waterford, X91 FC65.
Registration Essential: Helen 0861678027/



St. Anthony’s Novena and Blessing with the Relic of St. Anthony will be held on Tuesdays in the Cathedral after 10.30am Mass.



(with Sacrament of the Sick)
Cathedral of the Most Holy Trinity on the Second Saturday of every month, beginning at 3pm and will include the Anointing of the Sick, Confession, and time for individual prayer and blessing.


HEALING SERVICE – Holy Family Church

Last Saturday of every month in Holy Family Church, Luke Wadding Street, Waterford. Begins at 11am. Eucharistic Adoration, Anointing and Benediction. Individual Prayer offered by Parish Prayer Team.


Men’s Prayer Group (Home of the Mother)

St. Saviour’s Church, Bridge Street, Waterford City.
Every Wednesday evening, starts at 7pm:
Exposition, Benediction, Faith Formation and Group Sharing.
Led by the Servant Priests of the Home of the Mother


Eucharistic Adoration in the Diocese

Spend time in the True Presence of Jesus. For a list of locations and times for Eucharistic Adoration in the Diocese checkout

Diocesan Eucharistic Adoration Retreat

Pope’s intention for September

For people living on the margins
We pray for those persons living on the margins of society, in inhumane life conditions; may they not be overlooked by institutions and never considered of lesser importance.


Season of Creation 2023 – 1st September to 4th October

The Season of Creation has a special significance for the Catholic Church, particularly since Pope Francis established 1 September as an annual World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. The Season of Creation is marked throughout the Christian world from 1 September to 4 October (Feast of Saint Francis of Assisi) and celebrates the joy of creation as well as encouraging awareness-raising initiatives to protect the natural environment.
This year’s theme is “Let Justice and Peace Flow” taking inspiration from the Prophet Amos who declares: “Let justice roll on like a river, righteousness like a never-failing stream!” (Amos 5: 24). And so we are called to join the river of justice and peace, to take up climate and ecological justice, and to speak out with and for communities most impacted by climate injustice and the loss of biodiversity. As the people of God, we must work together on behalf of all Creation, as part of that mighty river of peace and justice.
Resources may be found at



Every Tuesday 2pm-4pm
Whist on Monday 7pm sharp
Tramore Community Care, Pond road, Tramore.
Beginners welcome.


Breakthrough Cancer Research

Breakthrough Cancer Research is the largest funder of research into poor prognosis cancers in the island of Ireland. We are having a bucket collection in Tramore on the 29th September.
We are looking for people to supervise between 10am and 2pm. If you would like to help us Make More Survivors please contact Mary at 021 422 6655 or email

Contact: 0818 200551 or 051 391966
Please leave your name and contact number and we will return your call.


Young Adult Catholic Apologetics Conference

Young Adult Catholic Apologetics Conference, At The Imperial Hotel Cork, on
Saturday 7th October from 11- 4.30pm.

Further Information and booking at or contact the parish office.

A workshop on Liturgical Music will be held on Saturday 7th October in St. John’s Pastoral Centre, Waterford. The cost of the workshop is €10.
The workshop will be facilitated by Marian Gaynor, who is director of music in Carlow Cathedral. Marian is a native of Carlow and a graduate of NUI Maynooth and is currently studying an MA in Professional Practice (Voice Pedagogy) – specialising in Singing for Health and Wellbeing with Voice Workshop UK and University of Wales. Her professional development has encompassed the study of voice and choral conducting with the CME Institute (U.S.A); A.B.C.D. London; CNC, Ireland, and the Estill Voice System, U.K. Marian specialises as a vocal music educator and group singing leader for all ages. Additionally, her work field expands to working a musician educator and as a clinician and organist with the Diocese of Kildare & Leighlin, presenting choral, cantor and song leadership workshops and training and designing and facilitating participatory music-making programmes for the wider community. The cost of the workshop is €10. It will begin at 10.30am and finish at 1.30pm. There will be a break for light refreshments at 11.45am. Please call 051-874199 to register or email



Parish Office

Mass Booking
The next Mass Book to open will be for January 2024 on Monday October 2nd

Next week’s opening Times:
Monday 9.30am-1pm -Tuesday 9.30am – 4pm
Fri: 9.30am – 3.30pm

Contact: 051-386477



Baptism Booking

Please contact the office for further details 051-386477


Wedding- Church Booking

Please contact the office 051-386477


Lost property

If you have lost reading glasses or sunglasses gloves recently or in the past number of months please call to the parish office where we have numerous items that we would like to unite with their owners.


Recent Deaths

Please remember those who died recently, Edward (Eddie) Dunphy

We remember the months mind for  John (Jack) Hogan

We pray for  Kitty Power, The Terrace, Nicky, Kitty, Declan & Matthew Power, Kitty, Kennedy, John M. Power, Philip (Phil) Doyle (1st Anniversary),John Hickey, Patrick McGrath, Denis (Vetty) Power, Liz Brett, Agnes Kiely, Gerry Heweston, Charlie Breen, Thomas & Bridget Elliott, Johnny H Molloy, Tom McGrath, whose anniversaries occur about this time. Mary Buckley & Eileen Power (Intention)

We pray for those who mourn, immerse them in your love and lead them through this darkness into your arms and light.
For those who comfort, be in both the words they use and all that’s left unspoken;
Fill each heart with love.



Fr. Tommy Cusack – Martyr – A Local Connection

Friends, this past Wednesday, the Church celebrated the Feast of Saints Andrew Kim and his companions – a group of 103 people martyred for their faith in Korea from 1839 – 67. However, the persecution of Christians continued and would have a local connection.
During the Korean War, 1950 – 1953, the Korean people endured unimaginable sufferings and losses. At the beginning of that conflict, seven young Columban priests opted to stay with their parishioners and not abandon them in their pain and loss. These men paid the ultimate price and joined countless martyrs of the young Korean Church. One of the Priests killed during this time was Fr. Tommy Cusack. Fr. Cusack was a native of Ballycotton, Liscannor, Co. Clare, and he was killed on the 24th of September 1950 at the massacre of prisoners at Taejon.
Fr. Cusack’s mother, Delia Cusack, lived in the Terrace, Tramore, for many years after the death of her husband in 1938. Fr. Cusack spent Christmas 1947 in Tramore with his mother and much of the following year was spent with family and friends locally and back in his native Co. Clare. He returned to Korea in 1949, reminiscing later in a letter home to his mother: “This time twelve months it was a good Christmas, still I’m happier here; it is wonderful to be back at work again; it is the best life of the lot.”
On the night of September 24th, 1950, a general massacre of prisoners took place in Taejon as Red troops prepared to hurry north so as not to be cut off by advancing United Nations troops. Between 5,000 and 6,000 people died, including Fr. Cusack but also his colleagues Fr. Jack O’Brien and Monsignor Patrick Brennan. Their bodies were never recovered.
On Wednesday August 28th, 2013, the Cause of Fr. Cusack and six more Columban priests was opened – seven among many – modern Martyrs of Korea.
Every Sunday throughout the Diocese of Seoul at the beginning of Mass the people offer a prayer for the beatification of the Columban Martyrs. The prayer is:
God, in the midst of ideological conflict and the wound of division, when all the rivers and mountains were engulfed in the gunfire of war, we thank you for sending good shepherds, faithful witnesses to show us that love is greater than hate. In your mercy, bless your faithful servants and through their intercession hear our prayers. St Columban Pray for us. Amen.
Fr. Cusack’s family continue to visit, live and holiday in Tramore to this day.
For more information visit: